Eva van Grinsven

183 Physiological MRI Biomarkers & Cognition after SRS for Brain Metastases Baseline Tissue comparison For each physiological MRI parameter, the group mean values were compared between different tissue (GM, WM, edema, brain metastases) using Wilcoxon signed rank tests (Figure 2 and Supplementary Table 2). A subset of these parameters has been reported previously.14 In the current analyses, GM had higher CBF and CVR than both WM and edema (all p = .004). WM CVR was higher than CVR in edema regions (p = .008). For CMRO2, GM values were higher than both WM and edema (p = .008 and p = .004, respectively), and WM had higher CMRO2 values than edema (p = .008). For OEF, GM values were lower than WM (p = .004) and WM OEF values were higher than edema (p = .004). Brain metastases had lower OEF than in WM (p = .004) and higher CBF and CMRO2 than edema regions (both p = .004). Excluding subcortical GM areas from the analyses did not lead to changes in these significant differences between tissues (Supplementary Figure 3). Figure 2. Violin plots displaying the differences in OEF, CBF, CMRO2 and CVR values across different tissue types. Asterisks indicate significant differences using a corrected p-value = .017 for multiple comparisons. 7