Eva van Grinsven

248 Appendices 14. van Grinsven, E. E., Smits, A. R., van Kessel, E., Raemaekers, M. A. H., de Haan, E. H. F., Wajer, I. H., ... & van Zandvoort, M. J. E. (2021) . Can different etiologies provide converging evidence regarding the neural correlates of cognitive performance? Tumor versus stroke. Oral presentation, LWNO wetenschappelijke dag. 15. van Grinsven, E. E., Champagne, A. A., Philippens, M. E. P., & Bhogal, A. A. (2020). Investigating the Optimal Vasoactive Stimulus to Extract Dynamic Cerebrovascular Reactivity Information: Breath holding versus CO2 Challenge. Poster presentation, ISMRM. 16. van Grinsven, E. E., Champagne, A. A., Philippens, M. E. P., & Bhogal, A. A. (2020). Investigating the Optimal Vasoactive Stimulus to Extract Dynamic Cerebrovascular Reactivity Information: Breath holding versus CO2 Challenge. Oral presentation, ISMRM Benelux chapter. 17. van Grinsven, E. E., Nagtegaal, S. H., Verhoeff, J. J., & van Zandvoort, M. J. (2019). The impact of radiotherapy on neurocognitive functioning in adult patients with brain metastases – A systematic review. Poster presentation, FESN. Dutch Video Overview of Dissertation Chapters https://youtu.be/Cb7uFh32kxM