Eva van Grinsven

250 Appendices EDUCATIONAL PORTFOLIO Year Discipline-specific educational activities Introduction to the program 2018 CEN Summer School 2019 & 2021 Annual BCRM research symposium (including pitch presentation) 2021 & 2022 Utrecht Brain Conference 2022 Attendance at ≥8 X-Talks (CEN) 2018 - 2023 3rd FESN Autumn School “A Toolbox for Neuropsychological Research and Practice” Awarded with a travel grant 2018 Functional Neuroanatomy (ONWAR) 2019 Cognitive Neuroscience (ONWAR) 2019 Neuro-onco / Neuro-RT journal club 2018-2022 General educational activities Basic Course for Clinical Investigators (BROK), including reregistration (EMWO) 2018 & 2022 Supervising master students 2019 Data management 2019 Time management 2019 Data Science: Statistical Programming with R (Summer School Utrecht) 2019 Best Practices for Writing reproducible code 2020 Adobe Illustrator Course 2020 Achieving your Goals and Performing more Successfully in your PhD 2020 Writing a Scientific Paper - Online 2020 Selling your Science 2021 The Power of a Compliment/Appreciation 2021 Effective Meetings 2021 Online Flirting 2021 Improve Your Online Presence 2021 The Art of Presenting Science 2022 (Inter)national meetings and conferences 5th EORTC Quality of Life Cancer Clinical Trials Conference, Belgium 2019 7th meeting of the FESN, Italy, poster presentation 2019 ISMRM Beneluxe Chapter, The Netherlands, oral presentation 2020 LWNO wetenschappelijke dag, oral presentation 2021 ISMRM, online, poster presentation 2021