Eva van Grinsven

263 About the author ABOUT THE AUTHOR Eva Elisabeth van Grinsven was born in May 1994 Enkhuizen, the Netherlands. Growing up in a loving family alongside her father, mother, and sister, Eva’s early experiences included a year in Santa Cruz (USA) at the age of three, during which life-long friendships were forged. The remainder of her childhood unfolded in Enkhuizen where she graduated high school in 2012. After this she embarked on a half-year adventure in Peru with her best friend before pursuing her Bachelor’s in Psychology at Utrecht University. Captivated by the intricate interplay between the brain and behavior, she specialized in neuropsychology with a minor in cognition, complemented by an enrollment in the interdisciplinary honors program of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Graduating cum laude, she pursued a dual master’s in Neuropsychology and researchmaster Neuroscience & Cognition. After graduating cum laude from both master programs, Eva commenced with her PhD thesis at the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU) in October 2018 under the supervision of a multidisciplinary team. Throughout her doctoral research, Eva spearheaded the APRICOT-study, a prospective exploration into short- and longterm cognitive and brain changes following brain radiotherapy for brain metastases. Furthermore, she actively contributed to the COIMBRA-study, an observational cohort study exploring the quality of life among patients with brain metastases. Collaboratively with her fellow PhD candidate, she introduced both a cognitive and caregiver component to enhance the depth of the COIMBRA research project. Concurrently, Eva supervised numerous students from the master Neuropsychology through their thesis. Eva’s commitment to bridge research, clinical practice, and education, lead to the combined role of neuropsychologist at the UMCU and junior teacher for the Neuropsychology Master at the University Utrecht from June 2023. Following a 7-week adventure in Ecuador and a relocation to Amersfoort, Eva continued her journey in February 2024, concurrently fulfilling roles as a postdoc and neuropsychologist at the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery at the UMCU, along with teaching responsibilities at the University Utrecht. A