Charlotte Poot

228 7 Chapter 7 Table 1. Characteristics of participants in study 2 (n = 1650) n (%) Gender Male 467 (28.3) Female 1177 (71.3) Gender neutral 6 (0.4) Age (years) Mean ± SD 45.05 ± 13.28 18 t/m 34 447 (27.1) 35 t/m 54 776 (47.0) 55 t/m 74 406 (24.6) 75 and older 21 (1.3) Nationality Netherlands 1556 (94.3) Suriname 16 (1.0) Germany 10 (0.6) Belgium 8 (0.5) Morocco 6 (0.4) Other 51 (3.1) Missing/unknown 3 BMI (kg/m2) 1 Mean ± SD 25.80 ± 5.05 Education Low 58 (3.5) Middle 285 (17.3) High 1307 (79.2) Living situation Living with partner 547 (33.1) Living with partner and child(ren) 580 (35.1) Living alone 316 (19.1) Others 207 (12.5) Employment status Student 58 (3.5) Employed full-time 722 (43.8) Employed part-time 450 (27.3) Volunteering or retired 156 (9.5) Unemployed. on sick leave 173 (10.5)