Charlotte Poot

94 Chapter 4 4 Data collection After the hospital visit, caregivers received an online questionnaire assessing use, user-experience and usability. In addition, demographic data were collected on gender, age, frequency of hospital visits within the past 24 months and whether the visit included a blood draw. The questionnaire was directed to and developed for children. Caregivers were invited to provide help with filling out the questionnaire if necessary. Children could indicate if they had received help with filling out the questionnaire. Usability Usability was assessed using the System Usability Scale (SUS)(24). This is a generic instrument to measure the usability of a technology or service. It contains ten items rated on a 5-point Likert scale from 1 = ‘strongly disagree’ to 5 = ‘strongly agree’. An additional free text field allowed for commenting on usability. User-experience User-experience was assessed with the short version of the User-Experience Questionnaire (UEQ-S), which was made age-appropriate and tailored to the Hospital Hero app. The UEQ-S consists of eight items rated on a 7-point Likert scale from -3 and 3, with 0 as neutral) in the two dimensions of pragmatic and hedonic quality (25). Responses to the UEQ-S items included an open text field to argue the response given. All the UEQ scales have a good to high reliability of .69 or higher (22). We aimed to also assess user-experience with the Pick-A-Mood (PAM) tool, a cartoonbased pictorial instrument to measure self-reported mood states (26). A tablet was installed at different locations at the outpatient clinic on which, following instructions by the staff, children could select the pictogram that represented their mood at that moment. Due to the increased COVID-19-related care burden on the hospital staff, the PAM data was not collected consistently enough to acquire reliable data and were therefore disregarded from quantitative data analysis. Use Use and user patterns were assessed based on the question ‘did you play with the app’ in the online questionnaire and from interview and observation data. Qualitative data collection Qualitative data was collected through semi-structured interviews. The interviews were held online due to COVID-19 measures, using the video conference software Microsoft Teams and were held within five days after the hospital appointment. In addition, caregivers were asked to fill in an observational booklet during the visit, as observations by the researchers were not possible to due to COVID-19 restrictions. Semi-structured interviews were guided by a topic list, which was developed with a remedial educationalist and a paediatric nurse and followed the theoretical framework. The topic list consisted of main and probing questions and was tailored