Sobhan Neyrizi

 detailed kinetic analysis. Furthermore, it is worth noting that while the primary function of imidazolium cation in stabilizing the CO2 adsorbed intermediate can still modulate the overall reaction rate for catalysts such as Ni and Cu, its impact on the CO desorption process cannot be ruled out. Thus, conducting a dedicated kinetic study is recommended to fully understand the role of imidazolium cation in catalysts where CO desorption is rate-determining. Conclusion In summary, this study highlights the promising potential of imidazolium co-catalyzed CO2 reduction in non-aqueous media using late-transition metal catalysts. The findings reveal several key insights that contribute to the advancement of CO2 reduction systems. Firstly, the high faradaic efficiency achieved by non-expensive metals such as Zn, Cu, and Ni electrodes in anhydrous acetonitrile, combined with the CO2 absorption capacity of acetonitrile, presents a cost-effective approach for CO2 reduction. This opens up new possibilities for developing efficient and economically viable CO2 conversion technologies. Furthermore, the observation of a volcano relationship among late-transition metals, with Au exhibiting the highest activity trend, provides valuable design principles for optimizing CO2 reduction efficiency in nonaqueous solvents. Additionally, a noteworthy comparison with aqueous media highlights the advantages of non-aqueous conditions. The uniform selectivity for CO formation in anhydrous conditions contrasts with the more complex selectivity patterns observed in aqueous media. This signifies the greater ease of controlling reaction conditions in non-aqueous media, facilitating more straightforward optimization of selectivity.