Sobhan Neyrizi

 V- GC analysis and faradaic efficiencies To determine the Faradaic efficiency of the CO2 reduction reaction, analyses on both the gas and liquid products were conducted. By measuring the quantities of both types of products, one would able to accurately determine the efficiency of the reaction. Gas products were analyzed using gas chromatography (GC), which was calibrated for the relevant ppm levels of CO and other potential products. Further details on the evaluation of Faradaic efficiencies and GC analysis can be found in Chapter 2. Additionally, after electrolysis, the liquid solution was analyzed using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to identify the presence of any other possible products. Figures S5.1 to S5.4 provide examples of GC sequences used to detect CO and other possible products for all the catalysts studied in this work. It is important to note that the geometric sizes of the electrodes used in our experiments were not uniform, resulting in variations in CO peak intensities in the GC chromatogram. To provide further insight into the behavior of the reactor during electrolysis, Figure S5.5 presents a series of images taken during and after the electrolysis process.