Sobhan Neyrizi

 Results and discussion The vibrational spectra of interfacial species were initially examined through in situ ATR-FTIR spectro-electrochemical measurements conducted under an inert atmosphere. Figure 6.1 illustrates the ATR-FTIR measurements for an Au thin film electrode. These measurements were recorded within the 500-3100 cm−1 range, utilizing a solution of 0.1 M BMMIM NTf2 in acetonitrile. The measurements were taken while purging the system with argon (Ar) and maintaining a constant potential of -2.25 V (versus Fc/Fc+). Several negative bands can be attributed to the depletion of the NTf2 anion from the electronic double layer, spanning the spectral range of 950 to 1400 cm -1. Specifically, the negative bands at 999 cm-1, around 1220 cm-1, and approximately 1320 cm -1 correspond to the asymmetric stretch mode of the -SNS group, the symmetric and asymmetric stretch modes of the -CF3 group, and the asymmetric stretch mode of SO2, respectively 116-118. It should be noted that the symmetric stretch mode of the SO2 group, which occurs at approximately 1112 cm-1, might not have been discernible due 2950 2919 2850 2253 2080 1658 1560 1440 1320 999 Figure 6.1. ATR-FTIR spectra of Au thin film electrode in 0.1 Molar of BMMIM NTf2 in anhydrous MeCN under Ar purging. Spectra were collected at a constant negative potential of -2.25 V vs. Fc/Fc+. 1220 ~700