Sobhan Neyrizi

 III. Electrolysis results After CO2 electrolysis in acetonitrile, using 2-Methylated Imidazolium cations, a solid (white) precipitate was obtained. This precipipate was filtered from solution, washed with pure acetonitrile, and subsequently dissolved in deuterated DMSO. Following this, comprehensive carbon and proton NMR analyses was conducted (as illustrated in Figure S6.4 a, b, and c). Additionally, NMR results derived from the analysis of the synthesized salts are presented in Figure S6.5 a-d. The spectra are indicative for a mixture of two compounds. The correspondence between the 1H NMR peak at 8.57 ppm and the 13C NMR shift at 165 ppm lends support to the presence of a formate anion. Moreover, an additional 13C NMR shift, approximately around 160 ppm, suggests the presence of bicarbonate. This observation aligns with the findings of Maton et al. 134, who also reported a 13C NMR chemical shift around 160 ppm for the C=O group of imidazolium bicarbonate.