Sobhan Neyrizi

 Acknowledgements I am profoundly grateful for the invaluable support and contributions that made this work possible. First, I owe a great debt of gratitude to Professor Guido Mul, my promoter. Guido, your unwavering support over the past six years, spanning both my master's and PhD, has been instrumental in my academic journey. Your ability to keep my spirits high, even in moments of disappointment, and your guidance towards my goals have been indispensable. I also extend my deep appreciation to Dr. Mark Hempenius, who has been my primary research collaborator throughout this journey. Mark, I have learned two critical lessons from you that have shaped my approach to research. The first is your unwavering commitment to conducting meticulous experimental work and the precise reporting of data. The second is your resilience in the face of research challenges, a quality I now consider paramount for conducting high-quality research. I am particularly grateful for your dedication, often extending to weekends, when you selflessly supported me in the lab! I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks to my two former master's students, Joep Kiewiet and Maarten Buitelaar. Your dedication and hard work significantly contributed to the progress of this study. Without your valuable input, the quality of this research would not have reached its current level. I wish both of you immense success in your future careers. On the technical side, I must acknowledge the great help provided by our group's technician, Robert Meijer. Robert, your patience in accommodating my constant requests and interruptions in the lab was greatly appreciated. I also want to express my gratitude to the colleagues from mechanical workshop whose contributions were invaluable. I also need to extend my thanks to all other group members who have made direct or indirect contributions to my research work. I would also like to thank Hannah Thuijs from CBBC office for her support and for facilitating my research across the consortium. I also need to express my gratitude to Dr. Paul J Corbett, my industrial supervisor from Shell, for his constant support over these years. I am also deeply indebted to my dear friends, Amir Hossein, Meisam, and Shri, who have consistently been my primary motivators and sources of support. Your role in my journey cannot be overstated. Meisam and Shri, I wish you both the very best as you navigate the final stages of your own Ph.D. journeys. I extend my deepest appreciation to my beloved mother, Tahereh, whose unwavering support has been the cornerstone of my journey and has positioned me where I stand today. To my family, my brothers Saied and Masoud, and my sister Saiedeh, I offer my profound thanks for their unwavering support and dedication. Lastly, I want to express my immense gratitude to my dear wife, Faranak. This work owes a great debt to your support and boundless motivation. I've always promised to repay your support with the best performance I can muster, and I wholeheartedly remain committed to that promise