Sobhan Neyrizi

 it was subjected to five evacuation-N2 refilling cycles before it was taken into the glove box. This ensured the complete elimination of any remaining moisture. The dried glassware was utilized for the preparation of electrolyte solutions and reference solutions using anhydrous acetonitrile. Electrolyte solutions always contained 0.5 molar percent of the electrolyte salt target to study. The electrolyte solutions were formulated to contain a target concentration of 0.5 molar percent of the electrolyte salt under investigation. Reference electrode and solution preparation. In order to avoid the cross-contamination of the working solution with other organic cations, for each cation, a new reference solution was prepared for the electrochemical measurement. A reference solution always contained 0.1 mol% (0.02 molar) of Ag OTf with 0.4 mol% of the electrolyte subject to study (in total 0.5 molar percent of salt concentration in anhydrous acetonitrile)57. The reference solution was separated from the working solution by an ultrafine frit. Ag wire was used as the pseudoreference electrode. The potential recorded versus the Ag reference electrode immersed in an electrolyte containing 0.02 molar silver salt in acetonitrile can be converted into the SHE scale by the following equation58:  +542 mV vs. SHE (± 45 mV) Electrochemical measurements. Solutions (electrolyte and reference solutions) were transferred with caution into the reactor with gas-tight syringes. Before solution injection, the reactor was washed twice with anhydrous acetonitrile (transferred from the glove box). After injection, the solutions were kept under He/CO2 purging for 1hr to remove any remaining oxygen. Karl-Fischer titrations were performed to measure the water content from solutions inside the glove box and after the injection into the reactor. 48-55 ppm water was found for all solutions and it was confirmed that no water was introduced to the solutions upon transferring