Sobhan Neyrizi

 that the presence of Ag, C, and N in spectrum 30 is specifically associated with the dendritic structure. It is worth noting that NHCs (parent N-heterocyclic compounds) have been documented for their ability to coordinate with metallic nanoparticles and heterogeneous metallic surfaces (as shown in the bottom left panel in Figure 2.5)62-64. Metal-NHC complexes have found applications in the fields of catalysis and biochemistry65. The results obtained from Figures 2.3-2.5 allow us to propose a hypothesis that, upon applying a reductive potential, Ag particles from the reference solution and imidazolium compounds present in the working solution may form NHC-imidazole clusters on the surface of the Pt catalyst. However, a more detailed analytical and electrochemical study is required to determine the exact composition and coordination number of these clusters. It is important to highlight that the observed surface coverage with Ag-MM species, as mentioned earlier, is attributed to the use of Ag NTf2 reference solution, which reaches a maximum concentration of 20 ppm in the electrolyte solution if all Ag leaks from the reference solution compartment. Various reference capillaries, both commercially available and custommade, were tested to investigate the possibility of preventing Ag leakage from the reference solution. Unfortunately, regardless of the type of frit used in the capillaries, the deposition of Ag was consistently observed. However, it is important to note that the extent of Ag deposition varied depending on factors such as the magnitude of the reductive potential applied and the duration of electrolysis.