Sobhan Neyrizi

 the working electrode in the aforementioned showcase experiment. Contrasting the results of SEM-EDX analysis from the Au electrode with those from the Pt working electrode in Figure 2.5 provides supporting evidence for the efficiency of the experimental protocol devised in this work. Specifically, no evidence of Ag deposition is observed, reinforcing the accuracy of the potentials recorded in steps 1 and 2 as described earlier. WE CE/Ref(Gr) Potentiostat    a     WE CE(Gr) Potentiostat b Figure 2.6 . Illustrating the protocol devised for acquiring electrochemical data in non-aqueous CO2 reduction. (a) Stage 1: Potential recorded using a two-electrode configuration with a graphite rod serving as both the reference and counter electrode. (b) Stage 2: Introduction of a reference solution containing 0.1 mol% of Ag NTf2 to the reference capillary. LSV measurement is conducted in a three-electrode configuration, with an Au foil as the working electrode. The potentials of both the working and counter electrodes are recorded relative to Ag/Ag+ using a four-electrode connection to the potentiostat. The electrolyte employed is 0.5 mol% of MM NTf2.