Sobhan Neyrizi

 Figures 2.8 and 2.9 investigate the sensitivity of our devised protocol to Ag impurities. Deviations in the LSV results recorded in stage 3 suggest interference from Ag leakage and potential Ag deposition (Figure 2.8). Subsequent SEM-EDX analysis (Figure 2.9) provides further evidence of Ag deposition. These findings demonstrate the capability of our protocol to detect and identify the interference from Ag (or other metals) deposition during electrochemical LSV experiments. Figure 2.7 . Illustrating the protocol devised in this study for acquiring electrochemical data in non-aqueous CO2 reduction. (a) Stage 3: Conversion of the potentials recorded versus graphite in step 1 to the corresponding potentials versus Ag/Ag+ by comparing the profiles obtained in steps 1 and 2. Note that each potential may require a specific calibration constant (. (b) Stage 4: Verification of the protocol's accuracy by assessing the overlap of cell potentials obtained in steps 1 and 2. Any deviation between the two profiles could indicate potential interference from Ag leakage- see Figures 2.8-2.9.(c) SEM-EDX analysis providing evidence of a Ag free experiment performed following the devised protocol in this study. a b c