Savannah Boele

4 For better, for worse, or both? 143 responsivity patterns. That is, one third of the sample responded in correspondence to one of the three models: some adolescents appeared adverse sensitive, others appeared vantage sensitive or differentially susceptible. However, completely unsusceptible adolescents, as predicted by all three models, were not found. Instead, we detected a substantial group of unperceptive adolescents who did not perceive any over-time changes in parenting, who also scored lower than others in trait levels of environmental sensitivity (i.e., sensory processing sensitivity). Furthermore, a substantial subgroup of adolescents unexpectantly responded contrary to universal parenting theories (Rohner et al., 2005; Soenens et al., 2017) and did therefore not fit in one of the hypothesized coexisting responsivity patterns. In sum, these findings suggest that general parenting principles may not apply to all adolescents and coexisting environmental sensitivity models partly explains such effect heterogeneity. Therefore, findings highlight the need for tailoring parenting interventions to the individual family, as adolescents differ in whether and how they react to changes in parenting.