Savannah Boele

5 The direction of effects is family-specific 163 effects, see Supplementary Table S3 and Supplementary Fig. S1). Both inhibiting and reinforcing reciprocal cycles were observed across families. However, inhibiting cycles were generally found in fewer families (than would be expected by chance), whereas reinforcing cycles were more prominent in the sample (than would be expected by chance; see Supplementary Table S4). Table 4 Moderators to Explain Heterogeneity in (Absolute) Effect Sizes Family-specific lagged effect Mean differences Correlations Sex (t-test) Education (ANOVA) Age Environmental sensitivityc Neuroticism Psychological control (PC) PC → PA -.14 .06*a .04 .25** .17* PA → PC -.22 .01 -.09 .08 .03 PC → NA -.04 .00 -.07 -.01 .19* NA → PC .02 .00 -.18* -.03 .13 Behavioral control (BC) BC → PA -.10 .06 .13 .16* .13 PA → BC -.23 .03 -.14 .08 .11 BC → NA -.12 .01 .08 .11 .28*** NA → BC -.29 .01 -.18* .11 .21** Autonomy support (AS) AS → PA -.29 .03 .02 .14 .22** PA → AS .13 .01 -.08 -.18* -.08 AS → NA -.31 .02 -.05 .13 .18* NA → AS .22 .01 -.14 -.12 .06 Warmth (WA) WA → PA -.15 .03 -.04 .16* -.03 PA → WA -.06 .02 -.09 .00 -.06 WA → NA -.04 .04*b .00 .02 .05 NA → WA -.24 .00 .01 .13 .29*** Note. Cohen’s d is reported for sex (1 = male, 2 = female). Eta squared is reported for education (1 = low, 2 = moderate, 3 = high). PA = adolescent positive affect. NA = adolescent negative affect. a Adolescents with a moderate education level showed stronger effects than those with high education levels b Adolescents with a low education level showed stronger effects than those with high education levels c Correlations between self-reported environmental sensitivity and the initial family-specific effect sizes are shown in Supplementary Figures S2-S9. We illustrate the heterogeneity in reciprocal effects with the association between parental psychological control and adolescent positive affect. As depicted in Figure 3, 20 families (12.9% of the sample) demonstrated a negative reinforcing cycle, meaning that both the