Savannah Boele

6 Like no other? 177 METHOD Participants A total of 159 adolescent-parent dyads participated in the 100-day diary study “100 days of my life” (; Bülow, Neubauer, et al., 2022). Adolescents were included in the current study if they completed at least 80 daily diaries and showed variance in all the included daily variables, leading to a final sample of 129 adolescents (Mage=13.3 years old; SDage = 1.2, range 12-16). Of these 129 adolescents, 64% were female (36% male, 2% identified as neither male nor female), and most were born in the Netherlands (87%). A minority were born in other European countries (6%), or counties in Asia (2%), North America (1%), South America (1%), or Africa (1%). Their educational levels varied between pre-vocational secondary education or vocational training (14%), higher general secondary education (29%), and pre-university secondary education (51%). Some of the participants followed a mixed educational track (5%). Moreover, 55% of the adolescents reported to be nonreligious and not baptized, 22% reported to be nonreligious but baptized, and 22% reported being religious, with most affiliating with Christianity (93%). The majority of adolescents lived together with both of their parents (74%) and a minority lived with both parents but in different homes (19%) or reported other living situations (e.g., living only with mother). Almost all the adolescents had at least one sibling (95%), with the majority having one (50%) or two siblings (35%). Among these adolescents with siblings, the distribution of birth order was as follows: 52% were the eldest, 32% were the second child, 15% were the third, 1% were the fourth, and 1% were the fifth. Adolescents reported on one participating primary caregiver of choice: biological mother (78%), biological father (20%), or other (n = 1 adoption mother or n = 1 other mother). The parents were on average 45.2 years old (SD = 4.59, range = 33 – 55). Most were born in the Netherlands (91%) and a minority in other European countries (5%), Asia (2%), North America (1%), and Africa (1%). Additionally, 12% of the parents only completed high school, and 26% completed vocational/technical training and 59% college or university, and 2% provided insufficient information. The majority of the parents reported to be nonreligious (60%). Parents who reported to be religious mostly affiliated with Christianity (86%). Procedure Most parent-adolescent dyads were recruited via two high schools in the Netherlands, which offered all secondary educational tracks to 1,300 and 2,000 students, respectively. Adolescents and their parents were informed by class visits, email, and posters. Interested