Savannah Boele

Chapter 6 188 more negative affect predicted more parental strictness on the same day. In Family B, more parental warmth predicted more same-day positive affect and more parental psychological control predicted more same-day negative affect. Family C showed both same-day and next-day associations. Specifically, more positive affect predicted more parental autonomy support, and more parental psychological control and less parental warmth both predicted more negative affect on the same day. More parental warmth also predicted more positive affect the next day. The temporal networks of all 127 families, including the model fit and family-specific path estimates, can be viewed at Figure 5 Network Plots of Three Heterogeneous Families Family A Family B Family C Correlated residuals Directed associations .27 .36 .33 .43 .39 .18 -.34 .30 Note. Hybrid-GIMME allowed to model undirected contemporaneous associations (lower figures) and directed contemporaneous or lagged associations (upper figures). The solid lines reflect contemporaneous (same-day) associations, dashed lines lagged (next-day) associations, red lines positive associations, and blue lines negative associations. Betas are provided of the parentingaffect associations. Model fit: Family A (χ2(56) = 661.12, p = .167, RMSEA = .04, SRMR = .07, NNFI = .96, CFI = .98), Family B (χ2(54) = 674.13, p = .104, RMSEA = .05, SRMR = .08, NNFI = .93, CFI = .96), Family C (χ2(57) = 661.18, p = .191, RMSEA = .04, SRMR = .07, NNFI = .94, CFI = .97). PA = positive affect. NA = negative affect. WA = warmth. AS = autonomy support. PC = psychological control. ST = strictness. MO = monitoring.