Savannah Boele

Appendices 256 Awards and Grants • 2022 EUR Open and Responsible Science Award (€2500 ≈ $2.774). Awarded to the research project ADAPT. • NPO research funding (April 2023): Travel grant of €1460 (≈ $1.620) • Youth Innovation Network funding of €2000 (≈ $2240). Awarded to the research project ADAPT in May 2019. Reviewing activities • Abstract reviewer for the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) 2024. • Jury member of the EUR Open Science Awards 2023. • Manuscripts: Child Development (1x), Current Psychology (3x), Developmental Psychology (1x), Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (1x), Journal of Early Adolescence (1x), Journal of Happiness Studies (1x), Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency (1x), International Journal of Adolescence and Youth (1x), Learning Environments Research (1x), and Scandinavian Journal of Psychology (1x). Open science practices • 3x preregistered data collections and 16x preregistered papers (4 first-author papers). • 7x open code and output, and 3x open datasets. Leadership in international workgroups • Chair of overparenting expert network (20 members, 7 countries) • Co-chair (with Anne Bülow) of ESM parenting network (64 members, 8 countries) Outreach / Invited talks for professionals Boele, S. (2022). Sommige kinderen zijn gevoeliger voor het gedrag van ouders dan anderen [Some children are more sensitive for the behavior of their parents]. At the conference Hoogsensitiviteit: Wetenschap en praktijk, Veenendaal, NL. Keijsers, L. & Boele, S. (2018). Help een puber in huis. Quest Historie - Trimbos Special, p. 4-7.