Savannah Boele

2 A systematic review 45 were organized into concurrent (i.e., within-time point) or time-lagged effects, and the time- lagged effects were further categorized in parent-to-adolescent and adolescentto-parent effects. Furthermore, the time interval between measurement occasions was coded. Heterogeneity of within-family effects was assessed by the examination of random bivariate slopes and moderators that explained variation in the random slopes, either at Level 1 (the measurement) or Level 2 (the family) RESULTS Study and Sample Characteristics This review included 46 studies (for overview, see Table 1). An extended version of this table can be found in the online supplementary material (Online Resource 1), which also includes a summary of the findings of each study. The studies utilized two to 216 (median 4.5) measurement occasions. Of the 46 studies, 30 studies examined parenting processes at a macro timescale (time-interval of 6 months or longer), three studies at a meso timescale (i.e., intervals between weeks to months), and thirteen at a micro timescale (i.e., from seconds to days), adopting primarily a daily diary design (k = 10). See Figure 3 for a graphical overview. Figure 3 Frequency of the Time Intervals Between Measurement Occasions of Included Studies 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 seconds minutes hours day weeks three months 6 months 12 months > 12 months Nonequal intervals (≥6 months)