Savannah Boele

2 A systematic review 51 Study N Mean age (T1) Measurements Parenting Adaptation Statistical analysis Time interval Tested random slope(s)? Moderators Svensson, Pauwels, Weerman, & Bruinsma (2017) 616 11-17y 2 Support, Control Externalizing Fixed effects regression 2 years - - Timmons & Margolin (2015) 106 15.4 14 Negative interaction Academic, affect Multilevel regression model 1 or 2 days - Gender (ns), and average levels of anxious (sig & ns), depressive (sig & ns), and externalizing symptoms (sig & ns) Vandewalle, Mabbe, Debeuf, Braet, & Moens (2017) 55 12.4 7 Negative interaction Internalizing Multilevel regression model 1 day - - Vaughan, Foshee, & Ennett (2010) 3444 13.4 5 Support Internalizing Conditional growth model 6 months - Age (ns), gender (sig), race (sig), peer support (ns; L1), and average level of peer support (ns). Villalobos Solís, Smetana, & Comer (2015) 102 15.2 14 Quality, time together Control Interpersonal Multilevel regression model 1 day - - Zhang, Baams, van de Bongardt, & Dubas (2018) 1126 14 4 Quality, negative interaction Internalizing Conditional growth model 6 months - Friend conflict (sig & ns; L1) and satisfaction (sig; L1) Note. ns = nonsignificant. sig = significant. L1 = Level 1 (person-level). Moderators are tested at the group-level (Level 2) unless otherwise noted. Table 1 Continued