Savannah Boele

3 Transactional processes between support and depressive symptoms 83 adolescents scoring low on neuroticism. The moderating effects on the reverse lagged effect (i.e., from adolescent depressive symptoms to parental support) were explored without a priori hypotheses at all timescales. METHOD To study the transactional processes within families at different timescales, we analyzed five datasets with varying measurement intervals. The datasets are composed of four different samples (i.e., Dataset 1 and Dataset 3 are the same sample). For an overview of the demographic characteristics of the samples, see Table 1. Table 1 Overview of Sample Characteristics Dataset Daily (N = 244) and three-monthly (N = 245)a Bi-weekly (N = 256) Annual (N = 1,664) Biennial (N = 503) Adolescent Mean age T1 13.9 14.4 11.1 13.8 Age range T1 12-16 12-17 10-13 10-16 % male 38% 29% 51% 48% Nationality 98% Dutch 97% Dutch Unknown 100% Belgian Education Low 0% Intermediate 45% High 56% Low 15% Intermediate 33% High 52% Low 33% Intermediate 24% High 31% Low 4% Intermediate 16% High 58% Parents Marital status Unknown 76% married 19% divorced 5% other 78% married 10% divorced 12% other 82% married 10% divorced 8% other or missing Nationality Unknown 96% Dutch 87% German 100% Belgian Education Low 12% Intermediate 44% High 44% Low 15% Intermediate 38% High 28% Low 13% Intermediate 64% High 24% Low 34%(F) 27% (M) Intermediate 25%(F) 36%(M) High 15%(F) 11%(M) Note. F = father. M = mother. a demographic information reported of the largest sample