Savannah Boele

Chapter 3 84 METHOD DATASET 1 (DAILY) Participants Adolescents (N = 269) participated in the study “Grumpy or Depressed” (L. H. C. Janssen, Elzinga, et al., 2021; Keijsers et al., 2015). Adolescents were included in the current study if they had at least one score on parental support and adolescent depressive symptoms. Hence, the analytical sample consisted of 244 participants (38.1% male, Mage = 13.8 years, SDage = 0.92, age range = 12-16 years). Most of the participants were born in the Netherlands (98.4%) and followed a higher general secondary education (45%) or preuniversity secondary education (55%). Additionally, most of them lived with their biological mother (98.0%) and/or father (91.0%) and most parents were married (82.1%) or living together (8.8%). A minority of the parents were divorced (9.0%), single and never married (1.3%) or widowed (0.9%). Educational level of parents ranged from low (12.0%), middle (43.3%) to high (44.7%). Values of the scales of the study variables were missing completely at random (Little’s MCAR test χ2(1400) = 1461.64, p = .123, χ2/df = 1.04). Procedure Adolescents and parents were recruited at a Dutch high school in 2014. Before the longitudinal data were collected, 604 adolescents participated in a screening (here called T0) during school hours in September 2014, for which adolescents and their parents provided passive content. The screening included an online computer questionnaire that took approximately 45 min, and afterwards, the adolescents and parents were invited to also participate in the longitudinal study. Adolescents and parents provided active informed consent for their participation in the longitudinal study. The longitudinal data were collected through online computer questionnaires (analyzed in Dataset 3) and three Experience Sampling Method (ESM) measurement bursts. In this study, we analyzed the first ESM measurement burst in October 2014, in which 244 adolescents participated. Each ESM measurement burst consisted of micro-questionnaires that took one to two minutes, which were sent through a smartphone app eight times a day (between 8 AM and 10 PM) for seven consecutive days. The school gave permission to send the ESM questionnaires during school hours. For more details about the procedure, including ESM compliance, see Janssen et al. (2021). The study was approved by the psychological ethical committee of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Utrecht University.