Savannah Boele

3 Transactional processes between support and depressive symptoms 87 filled it in about one parent (2%). These two mean scores (α 1 range =.78-.93; α 2 range =.86- .95) correlated strongly (r = .74, p < .001) and were combined to assess parental support. Depressive Symptoms Depressive symptoms were assessed with the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale 2 Short Form (RADS-2:SF; W. M. Reynolds, 2008), which consists of 10 items (e.g., “I felt sad in the last 2 weeks”). The response scale was from 1 (almost never) to 4 (most of the time). A sum score was created, and internal consistency of the scale was good (α range = .80-.95). Neuroticism Neuroticism was measured at the first questionnaire, for which the Big Five Inventory-2 XS version was used (Denissen et al., 2020). The Neuroticism scale consists of three items (e.g., “I see myself as someone who worries a lot”). The items were rated on a 5-point scale from 1 (totally disagree) to 5 (totally agree). Internal consistency was acceptable (α = .75). METHOD DATASET 3 (THREE-MONTHLY) Participants Adolescents (N = 269) participated in the study “Grumpy or Depressed” (L. H. C. Janssen, Elzinga et al., 2021; Keijsers et al., 2015), which is the same sample that is analyzed to assess the daily transactional processes (see Dataset 1). The analytical sample included 245 adolescents (38.4% male, Mage = 13.9 years, SDage = 0.93, age range = 12-16 years). Most participants were born in the Netherlands (98%) and lived with their mother (97.6%) and/or father (90.6%). The adolescents followed either higher general secondary education (44.5%) or preuniversity secondary education (55.5%). Parents’ educational level was more diverse: 12.0% low, 43.6% middle, and 44.4% high. Values of the scales of the study variables were missing completely at random (Little’s MCAR test χ2(37) = 43.36, p = .218, χ2/df = 1.17). Procedure See procedure of dataset 1 (daily) and more detailed in Janssen et al. (2021).