Irene Jacobs

183 Conceptual metaphors of travel and stability someone’s life on earth the life’s journey is completed and the destination reached (life is a journey). The virtuous politeia of the saint, as expressed in this passage, ensured that he arrived at this particular destination (heaven). Another travel metaphor expressed in the passage is difficulties are obstacles on the road. That is, before Gregory could reach heaven, the hagiographer expresses that Gregory ‘removed every obstacle and hindrance from the road’. This short passage thus reflects various metaphors that belong to the life is a journey metaphor and, more specifically, politeia is a journey. In appendix 9 more linguistic metaphorical expressions of these conceptual metaphors and other variations (e.g., making life decisions is choosing a path) are included. Now that we have established the occurrence of metaphorical language expressing aspects of the life is a journey and politeia is a journey conceptual metaphors, we can establish which aspects of the source domain (travel) are mapped unto the target domain (life, politeia). The main correspondences between the source and target domain may be summarised as the following: 4