Irene Jacobs

222 Appendices to chapter 3 Appendix 3 - List of Gregory’s journeys in the Life of Gregory of Decapolis 1. Eirenopolis to mountains in the region of Dekapolis (ch. 3) 2. Mountains region of Decapolis to a monastic community nearby (ch. 3) 3. Monastic community in Decapolis to a monastery in the region (ch. 4) 4. Monastery to another monastery (headed by Symeon) (ch. 5) 5. Monastery (headed by Symeon) to a cave (ch. 6) a. Gregory sends a messenger two times on a journey to deliver a letter to his brother and to summon his uncle Symeon (ch. 11, 13, 14-15) 6. Cave to a monastery at Ephesus (ch. 17) 7. Ephesus to Proikonesos (island in the sea of Marmara) (ch. 17-19) 8. Proikonesos to Ainos (ch. 20) 9. Ainos to Christopolis (ch. 21) 10. Christopolis to Thessaloniki (ch. 22) 11. Thessaloniki to Corinth (ch. 22) 12. Corinth to Reggio Calabria (ch. 22) 13. Reggio Calabria to a nearby coast (ch. 24) 14. Coast to Rome (ch. 25) 15. Rome to Syracuse (ch. 25-26) 16. Syracuse to Otranto (ch. 33) 17. Otranto to Thessaloniki (ch. 36) 18. Thessaloniki towards mountains in Slavic territory and back to Thessaloniki (ch. 49) 19. Thessaloniki to Constantinople (narrated by monk Anastasios) (ch. 53) 20. Constantinople to Mount Olympus (ch. 53) 21. Mount Olympus to Constantinople (ch. 53) 22. Constantinople to Thessaloniki (not narrated, implied in the narrative) 23. Thessaloniki to Constantinople (ch. 76)