Irene Jacobs

231 Appendices Ch. Passage Translation Notes on metaphor 9b. Metaphors and metonyms for travel (travel as target domain) Metonyms 18 τὴν ὑγρὰν τρίβον Moist path Moist = sea -> journey over sea 52 τὴν δίυγρον ὁδὸν Moist road Moist = sea -> journey over sea 49 ἐκ τόπου εἰς τόπον μετα-βιβάσαι τὸν πόδα Transfer my foot from one place to another Foot = entire body Metaphors 24 τοῖς βυθίοις ὁμιλῆσαι μυχοῖς [he prays that he will not] meet the deep abyss Sea = an abyss; in an episode of misfortune during sea-travel 49 ἐκ τόπου εἰς τόπον μετα-βιβάσαι τὸν πόδα Transfer my foot from one place to another Travel = transfer from one place to another (travel as something passive) 49 ὁρμῆσαι πρὸς τὰ τῶν Σκλαβηνῶν μερῶν ὄρη To rush to the mountains of the Slavterritory Travel = rushing 76 πίστις γὰρ αὐτὸν ἀκλινὴς πρὸς τὸν ἤδη καθηγησάμενον εἷλκε Because his unwavering faith drew him to his former master Travelling = being pulled/drawn (as something passive) 77 τὸ τῆς ὁδοῦ […] πέλαγος the ocean of the journey Vast distance (of a journey) = an ocean; refers to journey from Thessaloniki to Constantinople 9c. Metaphors of stability: inner stability is immobility Inner/behavioural stability is a rock 70 πέτραν ἀσφαλοῦς βιοτῆς A rock of an immovable/steadfast lifestyle Immovable/steadfast lifestyle = a rock -> immobile aspect of a rock is mapped unto lifestyle (of perseverance)