Linge Li

Chapter 5 186 Internode 6h Pith 6h Internode 24h Pith 24h Tomato Pepper Pea 1 Pea 2 Soybean Eggplant Mustard 4 Mustard 3 Arabidopsis Mustard 1 Mustard 2 -log10(FC) -4 -2 0 Figure 5.10. Phylogeny and FR-responsive gene expression of Solyc07g053450 homologs. Genes are Tomato: Solyc07g053450, Pepper: CA00g71840:1-921, Eggplant: SMEL4.1_07g019740.1.01, Arabidopsis: AT2G42380, Mustard1: BniB06g001480.2N.1, Mustard 2: BniB08g027470.2N.1, Mustard3: BniB08g072820.2N.1, Mustard4: BniB06g055220.2N.1, Soybean: Gm06:49537899..49539195, Pea1: XM_051027770.1, Pea2: XM_051045459.1. On the left: phylogenetic relationship by maximum likelihood, constructed by software Mega X, using a Tamura Nei model generating the ML tree. Bootstrap analysis (1000 replicates) enhances reliability, with values above each branch reflecting robust bootstrap support. On the right: expression heatmap demonstrating log fold change from qPCR for WL+FR vs. WL expression in internode or pith at 6h and 24h FR treatment. Red signifies upregulation in WL+FR, blue denotes downregulation, while a baseline of white is established when logFC=0.