Linge Li

About the author A 251 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Linge Li, originating from the Yitong Manchu Autonomous County in Jilin Province grew up in the coastal city of Dalian, Liaoning Province. She is the daughter of a food chemistry professor and a governor. Her interest in biology was kindled early on when collecting shells on the beaches of her hometown. This budding passion was nurtured and amplified in high school, thanks to the inspiring influence of her teacher, Ms. Yanhua Gao, who encouraged her to delve deeper into the world of biology. Linge’s academic journey took a significant turn during her Bachelor’s studies at Northeastern Forestry University. Here, she embarked on an internship that involved identifying plant species in the vast expanses of the Maoer Mountain campus, the largest in Asia. This experience brought her into a close relationship with the wild plants, transforming them from mere study subjects into friends and companions in her quest for knowledge. Her passion for plant biology led her to pursue a Master’s degree at Leiden University, fully funded by a CSC scholarship and this period marked a significant transition in her life, as she was introduced to Dr. Kaisa Kajala by Professor Dr. Ren Voesenek. Seizing this opportunity, Linge began her PhD study, delving into the intriguing world of tomato plants and their shade avoidance behavior, under the guidance of both Kaisa and Professor Dr. Ronald Pierik. Linge’s journey was not just confined to the lab; she also played an active role in the Utrecht University council for two years, contributing her insights and experiences to the broader academic community. Her PhD journey was marked by unique challenges, including navigating through the maternity leaves of Dr. Kajala, a lab breakdown, and the global impact of COVID-19. Despite these hurdles, she persevered and completed her PhD in November 2023.