Linge Li

Appendix 252 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In a quaint coastal city Dalian, China, where I was born, the call of nature was a part of my childhood. Surrounded by the magnificence of the sea and the mountains, my passion for biology took root. This passion led me on an academic journey, starting at a university nestled amongst welcoming trees, where the foundations of my future were laid. First and foremost, I must express my profound gratitude to Prof. Dr. Ronald Pierik and Dr. Kaisa Kajala. I was fortunate to have avoided difficulties, thanks to the introduction by Prof. Dr. Rens Voesenek. Their guidance and support have been cornerstones of my journey. Their help extended far beyond the scientific realm, offering wisdom and insights that have profoundly shaped both my professional and personal life. Their mentorship, especially Kaisa’s, is something I will never forget, and the lessons learned under their tutelage are invaluable. Despite the challenges – the birth of Kaisa’s children, the shadow of Covid, the breakdown of the phytotron, and numerous group changes – the support and camaraderie here were unwavering. I extend my deepest gratitude to Yorrit, Chrysa, Sara, Muthanna, Tuğba, Emilie, and Ankie. Your wisdom and support have been invaluable to me. The lessons I’ve learned from each of you have been integral to my journey. A special acknowledgment to Yorrit, whose assistance was crucial in bringing this book to fruition. Reflecting on my past, my thoughts often wander back to my high school days. While I don’t miss every aspect of that time, I am immensely grateful for the resilience and determination I found in myself. It’s a period of my life that shaped me in more ways than one. Special thanks go to my high school friends – Xiyuan, Ze, and Zhoudong. Their presence at my defense ceremony was a poignant reminder of our 15 years of friendship. Though our paths have diverged, their support, both in person and online, has been a source of comfort and joy. The Netherlands, with its inspiring landscapes and academic excellence, was my next destination. Here, in the hallowed halls of Leiden, I pursued my dreams, fueled by the wisdom and guidance of my mentors, Dr. Frederic Lens and Prof. Dr. Remko Offinga. In my master’s study, I had friends like Jerry, Chao, and Huihen who understood me, and together, we formed a close-knit team. Additionally, I was fortunate to have exceptional mentors in the lab, namely Yao, Ivo, and Xiaoyu, who generously guided and supported me as I completed my degree there.