Linge Li

Acknowledgements 254 others not, but from each experience, I learned invaluable lessons. I have no regrets about the efforts we made, and I am deeply grateful for everything our team taught me. Over the past two years, my involvement with Network (No ing): PROUT (Utrecht PhD Network) has been a source of enrichment, balancing the rigors of PhD life with meaningful support and camaraderie. This group’s dedication to easing the lives of fellow PhD students extended beyond academics, incorporating fun activities, shared meals, and outings. Moments spent with Ellen, Jelmer, Deborah, Daphne, Melissa, and Rianne, were filled with great memories. These experiences, fostering a sense of community and well-being, were integral to my journey, working together to achieve a common goal and sharing our successes and challenges was an incredibly fulfilling experience. The Institute of Environmental Biology (IEB) was a melting pot of brilliant minds from various fields – Ecology, Plant-Microbe Interactions, and Microbiology. Here, I had the fortune of meeting incredible friends like Violeta, Peter, Zhilei, and Jie from Ecology, and Hao, Run, Dharani, and Giannis from PMI. Their genuine support and camaraderie were invaluable. Each one of them, with their unique perspectives and insights, contributed significantly to my journey. Their willingness to help, share knowledge, and engage in thought-provoking discussions played a pivotal role in my academic and personal growth. I also want to extend my heartfelt thanks to my dear friends JZ and Xuanxuan, who are here today as my paranymphs. I began my PhD journey with JZ, and we finished it together. JZ knows me better than anyone else and has been a genuine friend. My friendship with Xuanxuan spans more than 11 years since university, I feel lucky to have you here and in the past. Having both of you here, in this defining moment, means the world to me. Last but not least, my deepest gratitude goes to my husband Song Guo, and my parents, Prof. Dr. Wei Li and Mrs. Xiaofeng Ma. Their unwavering support and love have been the bedrock of my journey. Growing up in such a warm and nurturing family has been a blessing. To all my family members, your encouragement and belief in me have been my greatest strength. Your love and support have been the guiding lights of my life, and I am eternally grateful for having you all in my life. As I stand at the threshold of a new chapter, ready to embark on another adventure, I carry with me the lessons, the memories, and the relationships that have shaped me in this incredible academic odyssey. Writing this acknowledgment has been a challenge, as I am keenly aware of the many names and contributions I must remember. If by any chance I have overlooked someone, please accept my sincerest apologies.