Linge Li

EPS Education Statement A 255 Education Statement of the Graduate School Experimental Plant Sciences Issued to: Linge Li Date: 27 March 2024 Group: Experimental Computional Plant Development University: Utrecht University 1) Start-Up Phase date cp ► First presentation of your project Fighting shade: tomato stem emongation in SAS Oct 12 2018 1.5 ► Writing or rewriting a project proposal ► MSc courses Subtotal Start-Up Phase 1.5 2) Scientific Exposure date cp ► EPS PhD days EPS Get2Gether 2021, Online Febr 1, 2 2021 0.4 EPS Get2Gether 2022, Soest (NL) May 3, 4 2022 0.6 ► EPS theme symposia EPS theme 1 symposium ‘Developmental Biology of Plants’, Wageningen (NL) Feb 5 2020 0.3 EPS theme 3 symposium ‘Metabolism and Adaptation’, Online Oct 30 2020 0.2 EPS theme 3 symposium ‘Metabolism and Adaptation’, Nijmegen (NL) Nov 1 2022 0.3 EPS theme 1 symposium ‘Developmental Biology of Plants’, Wageningen (NL) Oct 3 2023 0.3 ► National platform meetings Annual Meeting Experimental Plant Sciences, Lunteren (NL) Apr 8, 9 2019 0.6 Annual Meeting Experimental Plant Sciences, Online Apr 12,13 2021 0.5 Annual Meeting Experimental Plant Sciences, Lunteren (NL) Apr 11,12 2022 0.6 Annual Meeting Experimental Plant Sciences, Lunteren (NL) Apr 17,18 2023 0.6 ► Seminars (series), workshops and symposia IEB Seminar: Fluxes of carbon through photorespiration. Jul 8 2020 0.1 IEB Seminar: Does conservation work and how do we know? Oct 21 2021 0.1 IEB Seminar: Chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments as indicators of long-term dynamics in aquatic ecosystems Nov 25 2021 0.1 IEB Seminar: Desert microbes for boosting sustainable agriculture in extreme environments. Mar 24 2022 0.1 IEB Seminar: Reaching out for the sun - Molecular mechanism underlying growth adaptation in Arabidopsis thaliana Mar 28 2022 0.1 IEB Seminar: Molecular responses of Arabidopsis to insect eggs Jun 28 2022 0.1 IEB/ UU Plants Seminar: The function of plant specialized metabolites in the assemblage of plant root microbiota Jul 25 2022 0.1 IEB Seminar: Be my guest - How legumes host endosymbiotic rhizobia Jul 26 2022 0.1 IEB/ UU Plants Seminar: “TENURE TRACK SELECTION” Sep 12 2022 0.1