Linge Li

Chapter 2 36 The assessment of chlorophyll content within the context of SAS provides insights into the dynamics of a plant’s photosynthetic processes and its capacity to acclimatize to fluctuations in light conditions. We carried out overall chlorophyll content measurement to quantify the leaf color changes seen in Figure 2.4. The chlorophyll content was lower in the FR treatment, which could indicate leaves acclimating to carry out less photosynthesis in shaded conditions (Figure 2.9). WL M82 WL+FR M82 WL MM WL+FR MM 200 250 300 350 400 450 Leaf1 cholorophyll content(mg/m2) ✱✱✱ ✱✱✱ Figure 2.9. Chlorophyll content of three-week-old M82 and Moneymaker after seven-day WL and FR+WL treatments. Asterisks indicate significance between WL and WL+FR as follows: *** p≤0.001. Biological replicates n=6 and experiments were repeated for 3 times. 2.2.3 Stem elongation and diameter increase negatively correlated with R:FR Since we did not see a significant internode diameter response in MM to FR enrichment, we wondered if it was due to the R:FR not being low enough at R:FR=0.28. So, we further tested R:FR ratio=0.21 and 0.11. We observed that reduced R:FR ratios could increase the internode 1 elongation and diameter thickening in MM (Figure 2.10). Also, we were able to confirm that in the FR-induced response, stem elongation and diameter increase, are positively correlated with each other (Figure 2.10).