Linge Li

Cellular anatomy of tomato stems in response to far-red light 2 39 M82 MM Interfascicularcambium thickness Pith 1 diameter Pith 2 diameter Pith mid diameter Pith diameter Pith layer Pith 1 cell area Pith 2 cell area Pith mid cell area Pith cell area Outer pith length Middle pith length Pith thickness Parenchyma thickness Parenchyma layer Parenchyma 1 cell area Parenchyma 2 cell area Parenchyma 3 cell area Parenchyma cell area Parenchyma 1 cell diameter Parenchyma 2 cell diameter Parenchyma 3 cell diameter Parenchyma cell diameter Parenchyma cell length Collenchyma thickness Collenchyma layer Collenchyma cell area Collenchyma cell diameter Collenchyma cell length Epidermis thickness Epidermis cell diameter Epidermis cell area Epidermis cell length -logP 0 1 2 3 4 logFC MM Log FC M82 Interfascicularcambium thickness Pith 1 diameter Pith 2 diameter Pith mid diameter Pith diameter Pith layer Pith 1 cell area Pith 2 cell area Pith mid cell area Pith cell area Outer pith length Middle pith length Pith thickness Parenchyma thickness Parenchyma layer Parenchyma 1 cell area Parenchyma 2 cell area Parenchyma 3 cell area Parenchyma cell area Parenchyma 1 cell diameter Parenchyma 2 cell diameter Parenchyma 3 cell diameter Parenchyma cell diameter Parenchyma cell length Collenchyma thickness Collenchyma layer Collenchyma cell area Collenchyma cell diameter Collenchyma cell length Epidermis thickness Epidermis cell diameter Epidermis cell area Epidermis cell length 0 0.1 Treatment Cultivars Interfascicularcambium thickness Pith 1 diameter Pith 2 diameter Pith mid diameter Pith diameter Pith layer Pith 1 cell area Pith 2 cell area Pith mid cell area Pith cell area Outer pith length Middle pith length Pith thickness Parenchyma thickness Parenchyma layer Parenchyma 1 cell area Parenchyma 2 cell area Parenchyma 3 cell area Parenchyma cell area Parenchyma 1 cell diameter Parenchyma 2 cell diameter Parenchyma 3 cell diameter Parenchyma cell diameter Parenchyma cell length Collenchyma thickness Collenchyma layer Collenchyma cell area Collenchyma cell diameter Collenchyma cell length Epidermis thickness Epidermis cell diameter Epidermis cell area Epidermis cell length -logP 2 4 ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) Figure 2.12. Summary of FR responses on cellular parameters characterized from internode 1 sections. (a) Significance of treatment, cultivar shown as -log p-value. (b) Logarithm of foldchange for each trait comparing FR to WL. (c) Significance of FR-responses in each cultivar shown as -log p-value for each trait. The layer number of each cell type are indicated from the outmost layer (1) moving inwards (2, 3). The interfascicular cambium thickness was measured in regions without vascular bundles. In panels (a) and (c), -log Pval=-log0.05 are set to white that indicate no significance. In panel (b), logFC=0 is set to white indicate no fold change, upregulation is indicated with red color, while down regulation is indicated by blue. 2.2.5 Interfascicular cambium thickness increases in response to FR Vascular tissues transport water, nutrients, and hormones in the plant stems (Scarpella and Meijer, 2004; Sieburth and Deyholos, 2006). To create these transportive tissues, plant stems rely on fascicular cambium (primary meristem) and interfascicular cambium (secondary/lateral meristem), which function in generating radial growth through cell division and patterning these cells into xylem and phloem in vascular bundles of dicots (Lachaud et al., 1999; Helariutta, 2007). Interfascicular cambium is a sign of secondary growth of the stem (Parra et al., 2010). Therefore, we interpreted the interfascicular cambium thickness increase resulting from FR treatment to be an