Linge Li

Cellular anatomy of tomato stems in response to far-red light 2 53 Phenotypic analysis The phenotypic data were analysed and plotted with Graphpad prism 8. The significant differences between WL and FR+WL were calculated by student’s t-test. Microscope analysis The measurements were done with analysis^D software (Olympus BX50-WI microscope compatible software) and FIJI Image J. The software Graphprism 8 was used to plot the data. The significant differences between WL and FR+WL were calculated by student’s t-test. To summarize all the data from microscope analysis, custom R scripts (R Development Core Team, 2010) were used to visualize the data as a heatmap. After performing ANOVA analysis among Moneymaker vs M82, WL vs WL+FR and experiment repeats with R, -logP values were extracted from ANOVA and used for heatmap.