Linge Li

Transcriptome changes of tomato internode elongation induced by far-red light 3 95 MM-M82-WL-6h MM-M82-WL-24h MM-M82-WL-30h MM-M82-WL-48h MM-M82-FR-6h MM-M82-FR-24h MM-M82-FR-30h MM-M82-FR-48h -200 0 200 400 600 MM vs M82 DEGs Down Up WL-30 hours WL+FR-30 hours WL-48 hours WL+FR-48 hours -150 -100 -50 0 50 Pith vs internode Treatment DEGs Down Up (a) (b) Figure S3.2. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between cultivars and tissues. Bar plot shows the number of DEGs in different comparisons. (a) First internode DEGs comparing Moneymaker vs M82 at each timepoint and treatment. (b) Tissue-specific DEG from comparison of first internode vs pith DEGs at each timepoint and treatment.