Stephanie Vrede

CHAPTER 7 166 Table 1. Baseline clinicopathological characteristics Patient characteristics Total (n=894) Age (years) 65.9 (27.2-93.8) BMI (kg/m2) 29.7 (16.4-60.9) Serum values Haemoglobin mmol/L 8.4 (3.9-10.6) Haemoglobin <7.45mmol/L 103 (11.3) Platelets x109 /L 298.3 (13.9-781.0) Platelets >400x109 79 (8.6) Leukocytes x109/L 8.1 (2.2-33.5) Leukocytes >10x109/L 114 (12.5) Final tumour histology Tumour Grade 1-2 620 (69.4) 3 274 (30.6) Histology Endometrioid 735 (82.2) Non-endometrioid 159 (17.8) LVSI Yes 177 (19.8) No 717 (80.2) FIGO stage Early (I-II) 806 (90.2) Advanced (III-IV) 88 (9.8) Lymph node status Positive (N1) 34 (3.8) Negative (N0) 171 (19.1) Unknown† (Nx) 689 (77.1) ESGO/ESTRO/ESP risk groups Low 409 (45.7) Intermediate 159 (17.8) High-intermediate 162 (18.1) High 140 (15.7) Advanced/metastatic 24 (2.7) Adjuvant treatment None 550 (61.5) RT VBT 132 (14.8) EBRT (+/- VBT) 107 (11.9) CT+CRT 100 (11.2) Other 5 (0.6) Outcome Recurrence Yes 124 (13.9) No 770 (86.1) Mortality Overall 160 (17.9) EC-related 99 (11.1) Data is presented in numbers (%) or median (IQR). Abbreviations: Number (n), Federation International Gynecology Obstetric (FIGO), European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO), European SocieTy for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO), European Society of Pathology (ESP), Radiotherapy (RT), Vaginal brachytherapy (VBT), External beam radiation therapy (EBRT), Chemotherapy (CT), Chemoradiation (CRT), Endometrial cancer (EC) †no lymphadenectomy performed