Stephanie Vrede

215 A PHD PORTFOLIO PHD PORTFOLIO Name: Stephanie Vrede Department: Obstetrics and Gynaecology PhD period: 01-10-2019 – 01-10-2022 PhD Supervisor(s): Prof. dr. R.F.P.M Kruitwagen, dr. J.M.A Pijnenborg PhD Co-supervisor(s): dr. M.P.L.M. Snijders, dr. J. Bulten Training activities Hours Courses - Introduction day Radboudumc (2020) - RIHS PhD introduction course for PhD candidates (2020) - Radboudumc - eBROK course (2020) - Training kwalitatief onderzoek (2020) IQ Healthcare - Projectmanagement for PhD candidates (2020) - Statistics for PhD candidates using SPSS (2021) - Radboudumc scientific integrity (2021) - RU - Design and illustration (2021) 6 15 42 16 56 56 20 26 Seminars - PhD retreat (2019) - Themamiddag Endometrium tumorwerkgroep gynaecologie regio Nijmegen (2020) - Organiseren webinar voor Gynaecologie-Oncologie Nederland (2022) 16 3 24 Symposia and Conferences - European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO) conference, Athens (2019)^ - CCBIO mini symposium, Endometrial Cancer (2020) - European network of individual treatment in endometrial cancer (ENITEC) Virtual meeting (2020)^^ - International Gynecologic Cancer Society (IGCS) Virtual conference (2020)^ - European network of individual treatment in endometrial cancer (ENITEC) Virtual meeting (2021)^^ - European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO) conference, Prague (2021) - European network of individual treatment in endometrial cancer (ENITEC) meeting, Porto (2022)^^ - European Society Medical Oncology (ESMO) conference, Valencia (2022)^^ - International Gynecologic Cancer Society (IGCS) conference, New York (2022)^^ - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Obstetrie en Gynaecologie (NVOG) Gynaecongres, Arnhem (2022)^^ 40 2 24 36 12 24 18 22 40 12 Teaching activities Lecturing - Monthly education of interns at the gynaecology department (2020-2023) - Lecture on recent developments in endometrial cancer for residents (2020) 36 6 Supervision of internships / other - Supervision of master student Medical Biology (2020) - Supervision of HBO bachelor life sciences student (2021) - Supervision of master student Medical Biology (2022) 20 15 30 Total 617 ^ indicates poster presentation ^^ indicates oral presentation