Stephanie Vrede

CHAPTER 2 34 Table 2. Overview of pre- vs. postoperative tumor grade and histological subtype. Median endometrial tissue surface (mm2) of endometrial cancer patients are shown. Displayed in dark green are the concordant diagnoses. Dark green shows the exact concordance between grading and histology, light green the concordance for the clinically relevant low- and high-grade classification and in red the clinically relevant discordancy. Postoperative Grade 1 EEC Grade 2 EEC Grade 3 EEC NEEC Total** Preoperative Premalignant 7.3 (0.8-8.4) 2.9 (1.0-3.5) NA NA 4.4 (0.8-8.4) Grade 1 EEC 17.2 (0.2-298.7) 15.6 (0.0-354.0) 16.1 (0.5-145.0) NA 16.6 (0.0-354.0) Grade 2 EEC 35.1 (1.0-251.4) 21.9 (0.6-278.7) 30.0 (1.9-110.9) 18.2 (10.1-30.6) 24.6 (0.6-278.7) Grade 3 EEC 42.4 (12.5-94.2) 38.6 (0.4-274.9) 29.7 (0.2-210.2) 16.1 (1.4-81.7) 24.4 (0.2-274.9) NEEC 26.7 (9.8-43.6) 16.6 (0.1-44.7) 11.5 (0.9-18.1) 21.1 (0.7-49.4) 14.7 (0.1-49.3) Total* 18.7 (0.2-298.7) 19.9 (0.0-354.0) 23.3 (0.2-210.2) 17.6 (0.7-81.7) Data is presented in median (range). Abbreviations: EEC, endometroid endometrial cancer; NEEC, non-endometroid endometrial cancer * P=0.888 between the total median postoperative endometrial tissue surface ** P=0.063 between the total median preoperative endometrial tissue surface