Stephanie Vrede

MOLECULAR PROFILING IN LOW-GRADE EC 53 3 Patients All patients were surgically treated between 1994 and 2018 (median 2006). Inclusion criteria for this current study were: (I) availability of EC tissue samples (II) patients diagnosed with primary EC with all histological subtypes and FIGO stages, in whom (III) patients were successfully classified according molecular profiling or the Proactive Molecular Risk Classifier for Endometrial Cancer (ProMisE)14 classification. Exclusion criteria were: (I) unknown lymph node (LN) status in FIGO early-stage. Patients were classified into one of the four molecular subgroups according to the diagnostic algorithm (Figure 1); POLE-mutant, MSI, TP53-mutant and NSMP. Multiple-classifiers were classified as the molecular subgroup with the best prognosis.15 Figure 1. Diagnostic algorithm of patients diagnosed with molecular profiling or with immunohistochemistry. Abbreviations: POLE, Polymerase epsilon; MSI, Microsatellite instability; MMR, Mismatch repair protein, TP53, Tumor protein 53; NSMP, No-specific molecular profile