Stephanie Vrede

CHAPTER 4 98 Supplementary B. All gene regions targeted by the smMIP panel Gene Exon Targeted codons Positions RefSeq ID Ensembl ID AKT1 3 E17 c.47-5 to c.86 NM_005163 ENST00000555528 ARID1A 1 to 20 M1-Stop2286 c.1 to c.6858 NM_006015.5 ENST00000324856 CTNNB1 3 D32-S45 c.53 to c.146 NM_001904.3 ENST00000349496 ERBB2 20 Y772-Y781 c.2308-1 to c.2357 NM_004448 ENST00000269571 FGFR2 6 to 9 11 to 14 I217-V392 K485-L627 c.649 to c.1174 c.1453 to c.1879 NM_000141.5 ENST00000358487 KRAS 2 G12-G13 c.9 to c.71 NM_004985.4 ENST00000311936 3 A59-Q61 c.122 to c.215 4 K117, A146 c.291-5 to c.357 c.402 to c.450+5 MTOR 30 D1458-E1489 c.4371 to c.4469+5 NM_004958.3 ENST00000361445 39 A1789-A1820 c.5365-5 to c.5460 43 A1971-L1995 c.5911-5 to c.5985 47 Q2194-L2220 c.6580 to c.6662+5 53 M2404-D2433 c.7210 to c.7300+5 56 G2484-T2509 c.7448-5 to c.7527 NRAS 2 3 4 G12, G13 A59, Q61 K117, A146 c.-17-5 to c.64 c.161 to c.245 c.312 to c.450+5 NM_002524 ENST00000369535 PIK3CA 2 5 8 10 S66 – I117 Y317 – K353 E418 – M441 D520 – H554 c.195 to c.352 c.947 to c.1059 c.1252 to c.1323 c.1558 to c.1664 NM_006218.3 ENST00000263967 21 S1015 – N1068 c.3058 to c.3207 POLE 9 to 14 D268-E491 c.802-5 to c.1473+5 NM_006231.3 ENST00000320574 PTEN 1 to 9 M1-Stop404 c.1 to c.1210+5 NM_000314.6 ENST00000371953 TP53 2 to 11 >95% of all coding and splice sequences (-5/+5) c.1 to c.1180+5 NM_000565.5 ENST00000269305