Renée Maas

236 Chapter 8 Supplementary Figure 9 can be downloaded from: rs-1902254/v1/b8527354b1fbacbf752abf31.png Supplementary Figure 9: A) Histological slides derived from the same tissue region as used for H3K27ac ChIPseq and RNA-seq stained with Masson’s trichrome (red – cardiomyocytes, blue – fibrosis, white – fatty tissue). LV = left ventricle; Sept = septum. Black line indicates the removal of fibro-fatty tissue replacement prior to ChIPseq. B) Schematic overview showing the mean fatty tissues in control and PLN-R14del hearts using a colour scale. Epicardial fat was excluded from the analysis. LV = left ventricle, RV = right ventricle, Post. = posterior, Ant.= anterior. Supplementary Figure 10 can be downloaded from: rs-1902254/v1/c2cfa5894c8fe1561f521945.jpg Supplementary Figure 10: Representative immunofluorescence images showing the purity and the accumulated lipids in wild-type control and PLN-R14del hiPSC-CMs used in the Seahorse assay.