Renée Maas

344 Chapter 12 Supplementary Figure 8 Supplementary Figure 8. Ca2+ transient analysis normalized for beating rate. Ca2+ handling parameters include (A) decay time, (B) peak amplitude, (C) Rise time, (D) duration at 10% decline from maximum amplitude (CTD10), and (E) duration at 90% decline from maximum amplitude (CTD90). Each dot represents one individual spheroid and 3 biological (3 different differentiations of one hiPSC line) per condition were included in this analysis. The combined groups of control lines (biological replicates=2-3, n=188), controls + AAV.Ic-1 ( biological replicates=2-3, n=151), PLN-R14del lines ( biological replicates=2-3, n=243), and the PLN-R14dels + AAV.I-1c (biological replicates=2-3, n=204) were normalized for beating rate. * P< 0.05 - **** P < 0.0001 vs. each group by two-way ANOVA. Each dot represents the raw data of one individual spheroid without batch normalization. Abbreviations: Controls; healthy or isogenic control hCSs (1CiCTR, 273iCTR, C31iCTR), PLNR14del; PLN-R14del hCSs (D4iR14del, 6BiR14del, 10BiCTR).