Renée Maas

395 List of publications A LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Published (chronological order) Somers T*, Siddiqi S*, Maas RGC, Meuwissen TJ, Russel FGM, Morshuis WJ, Schirris TJJ. Statins affect human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes by interfering with mitochondrial function and intracellular acidification. Basic Research in Cardiology. Van de Wakker S.I, Bauzá-Martinez J, Carla Ríos Arceo C.R, Manjikian H, Snijders Blok C.J.B, Roefs M.T, Willms E, Maas RGC, Pronker M.F, de Jong O.G, Wu W, Görgens A, El Andaloussi S, Sluijter J.P.G.*, Vader P*. “Size matters: Functional differences of small extracellular vesicle subpopulations in cardiac repair responses” Journal of Extracellular Vesicles. Fang J, Maas RGC*, Yang Q*, Buono M, Meijlink B, Bruinenberg D.M, Benavente E.D, Mokry M, van Mil A, Qian L, Schiffelers R, Lei Z*, Sluijter J.P.G*. Vitamin C enhances the direct reprogramming of fibroblasts into cardiomyocytes by suppressing reactive oxygen species production. Stem Cell Research & Therapy. Maas RGC, van den Dolder F.W.#, Yuan Q#, van der Velden J, Wu SM, Sluijter JPG$, Buikema JW$. Harnessing developmental cues for cardiomyocyte production. Development. 2023 Aug 1;150(15):dev201483. doi: 10.1242/dev.201483. Maas RGC, Beekink T*, Chirico N*, Snijders Blok CJB, Dokter I, Sampaio-Pinto V, van Mil A, Doevendans PA, Buikema JW, Sluijter PG*,Francesca Stillitano F*. Generation, High Throughput Screening, and Biobanking of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiac Spheroids. Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE). 2023 Mar 10,(193);e64365, doi:10.3791/64365.