Renée Maas

64 Chapter 3 Key resources table REAGENT or RESOURCE SOURCE IDENTIFIER Antibodies Cardiac Troponin T Fisher MS-295 KI67 Abcam Ab15580 Phospho-Histone 3 Cell Signaling 9701 alpha sarcomeric actinin Sigma-Aldrich A7811 MLC2V Abcam ab48003 phospo AKT T308 Cell Signaling #9275 Cyclin D2 Santa Cruz SC-452 YAP Santa Cruz SC15407 Proteome Profiler Human Phospho-Kinase Array Kit R&D systems ARY003B Biological Samples TCF reporter plasmid Addgene M50 Mutant TCF reporter plasmid Addgene M51 Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins CHIR99021 Selleckchem S2924 / S1263 C59 Selleckchem S737 Verteporfin Sigma SML0534 PNU74654 Selleckchem S8429 MK2206 Selleckchem S1078 Palbociclib Selleckchem S1116 Wnt3A R&D systems 5036-WN-010 Lipofectamine Invitrogen L3000001 luciferase substrate Promega E1910 Critical Commercial Assays Bovine fibrinogen Sigma F8630 Aprotin Sigma A1153 Matrigel Corning 35234 Thrombin Sigma T7513 Insulin Sigma I9278 ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 Selleckchem S1049 RNeasy Plus Mini Kit Qiagen 74134 HotStart-IT Sybr Invitrogen 75762 Superscript cDNA kit Invitrogen 11904018 RPMI 1640 Invitrogen 12633012 B27 supplement Invitrogen 17504044 Deposited Data Single cell RNA sequencing 10x GSE148586 Experimental Models: Cell Lines hiPSC line Stanford Biobank SCVI111 hiPSC line Stanford Biobank SCVI113 hiPSC line Stanford Biobank SCVI202 hiPSC line Stanford Biobank SCVI273 Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains C57BL/6J Mice Jackson Laboratory 000664 Software and Algorithms Prism 8 Graphpad Excel 2016 Microsoft Seurat FlowJo® TreeStar