Victor Williams

102 Chapter 4 Table 3: Predictors of unfavourable tuberculosis treatment outcome Variable Univariate Multivariate Odds 95% CI P-Value Odds 95% CI P-Value Region Hhohho 1 Lubombo 1.27 0.46, 3.45 0.643 Manzini 0.72 0.41, 1.26 0.254 Shiselweni 0.72 0.35, 1.46 0.360 Age 1.03 1.01, 1.05 0.003 1.02 0.99, 1.04 0.102 Baseline HIV Status Non-Reactive 1 1 Reactive 0.73 0.43, 1.24 0.245 0.80 0.43, 1.51 0.495 Sex Female 1 1 Male 1.80 1.09, 2.95 0.020 1.37 0.78, 2.41 0.279 Alcohol use No 1 1 Yes 2.02 1.25, 3.28 0.004 1.68 0.97, 2.89 0.062 Comorbidities None 1 1 Diabetes 0.73 0.15, 3.45 0.693 0.90 0.18, 4.52 0.902 Hypertension 4.23 1.52, 11.73 0.006 4.84 1.48, 15.7 0.009 Elevated blood glucose No 1 Yes 1.53 0.66, 3.52 0.32 Education None 1 1 Primary 0.47 0.24, 0.94 0.034 0.67 0.31, 1.43 0.300 High School 0.20 0.11, 0.37 <0.001 0.32 0.16, 0.64 0.001 Tertiary 0.26 0.10, 0.66 0.005 0.49 0.16, 1.43 0.192 Occupation Employed 1 Unemployed 2.45 1.46, 4.12 0.001 2.01 1.08, 3.71 0.027 Hosmer Lemeshow Goodness of fit test: p=0.6861 Predictors of Unfavourable Tuberculosis Treatment Outcome Table 3 summarises the predictors of unfavourable TB treatment outcomes. In the multivariate analysis, hypertension (AOR 4.84; p=0.009) and unemployment (AOR 2.01; 95% p=0.027) were significant positive predictors of unfavourable TB outcomes, while