Victor Williams

121 5 Diabetes – Tuberculosis Care in Eswatini Table 1: Demographics and experiences of healthcare workers in the study (Eswatini, 2022) Variable Doctors (n = 10) Nurses (n = 13) Overall (n = 23) Age Mean (SD) 40·80 (8·4) 36·77 (8·6) 38·52 (8·6) Min, Max 32·0, 59·0 26·0, 56·0 26·0, 59·0 Gender of healthcare worker Female 2 (20·0%) 8 (61·5%) 10 (43·5%) Male 8 (80·0%) 5 (38·5%) 13 (56·5%) Highest qualification attained Certificate 0 (0·0%) 1 (7·7%) 1 (4·3%) Degree 4 (40·0%) 6 (46·2%) 10 (43·5%) Diploma 0 (0·0%) 4 (30·8%) 4 (17·4%) Postgraduate 6 (60·0%) 2 (15·4%) 8 (34·8%) Total years of experience in the profession Mean (SD) 13·70 (9·3) 13·08 (8·7) 13·35 (8·8) Min, Max 4·0, 34·0 4·0, 34·0 4·0, 34·0 Number of years providing care for TB patients Mean (SD) 6·80 (4·4) 4·00 (2·1) 5·22 (3·5) Min, Max 1·0, 15·0 1·0, 7·0 1·0, 15·0 Number of in-service training in the last 12 months Mean (SD) 3·00 (4·1) 3·46 (3·0) 3·26 (3·5) Min, Max 0·0, 11·0 0·0, 12·0 0·0, 12·0 Received training for non-communicable diseases? No 2 (20·0%) 5 (38·5%) 7 (30·4%) Yes 8 (80·0%) 8 (61·5%) 16 (69·6%) Received training in TB-NCD care? No 4 (40·0%) 6 (46·2%) 10 (43·5%) Yes 6 (60·0%) 7 (53·8%) 13 (56·5%) Received specific training on TB/Diabetes? No 6 (60·0%) 9 (69·2%) 15 (65·2%) Yes 4 (40·0%) 4 (30·8%) 8 (34·8%)