Victor Williams

122 Chapter 5 Facility description and availability of guiding documents About half of the respondents (n=12) indicated they worked at a hospital while 11 worked at a primary care clinic. Fourteen indicated their health facility was in an urban area, 5 in a semi-urban, and 3 were in a rural area. All (n=23) indicated they had the current national TB treatment guideline, 11 had a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the care of TB patients with DM, 21 indicated there was a requirement for staff of the TB clinic to be trained on NCDs and 20 stated they had the essential medicines list. Baseline services for TB patients Figure 1 describes NCD-related services provided at baseline in addition to the routine services for TB care. Figure 1: NCD-related services provided at baseline in addition to routine TB services (Eswatini 2022)