Victor Williams

152 Chapter 6 Table 1: Characteristics of study participants Variable Overall (n = 22) Age (years) Median (Q1, Q3) 36.0 (33.0, 43.0) Min, Max 26.0, 59.0 Gender of healthcare worker Female 9 (41.0%) Male 13 (59.0%) Highest qualification attained Certificate 1 (5.0%) Degree 10 (41%) Diploma 4 (18.0%) Postgraduate 8 (36.0%) Occupation Medical Doctors 9 (41.0%) Nurses 13 (59.0%) Number of years providing care for TB patients Median (Q1, Q3) 4.0 (3.0, 7.0) Min, Max 1.0, 15.0 Table 2: Summary of themes and subthemes in the study Themes Subthemes COVID-19 impacted services delivery and access All attention focused on COVID COVID worsened the health system challenges COVID hindered patients from accessing care Patients defaulted due to the lockdown COVID impacted the quality of care Increased risk of infections among healthcare workers Some practices ensured healthcare services delivery Home-based care Patient support Patient Education Integrated services Staff rotation as a best practice